Original Mr. Met, Dan Reilly Passed Away

New York Mets
Jan 1, 2022


By Jay Horwitz

Ron Swoboda called me last night with some sad news: Dan Reilly, our original Mr. Met mascot, passed away last Thursday. Dan was 83.

Ron and Dan were good friends and lived together in the same home in Whitestone in the 1960s.

I did some stories on Dan throughout the years and have fond memories of him. Always very proud of Mr. Met being the number one mascot, Dan wore the Mr. Met suit from 1964–1966.

Dan was excited when Mr. Met married Mrs. Met, and he was happy that he helped start such a great tradition and loving mascot marriage.

When Dan wasn’t playing Mr. Met, he also worked in our ticket office with another Mets giant, Bob Mandt.

For sure, Dan Reilly, our original Mr. Met, should be in the Mascot Hall of Fame.



New York Mets
New York Mets

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