Strawberry Hopes to Help Others, Strives for a Positive Message in New Book

New York Mets
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

By Jay Horwitz

Darryl Strawberry never ducked a tough question in his entire life. The other day was no exception. While he was answering questions about his new book, Turn Your Season Around, a reporter posed this difficult question to Darryl: “Do you think your career is a disappointment because you didn’t make the Hall of Fame?”

Darryl didn’t hesitate with his answer. He detailed his bouts with drugs, drinking, and told about his time in jail. But then Strawberry said this: “I don’t dwell on the past. I made mistakes and I freely admit that. However, everyone travels their own path. My path was a little bumpy but I am completely at ease with where I am in my life.”

Life after baseball remains rewarding for him; Darryl and his wife Tracy are now traveling ministers. For the last decade, they actively travel all around the country talking to children about the evils of opioids. Darryl and his wife are on the road now about 200 days a year talking about the problems that drugs can cause . “Our message is simple”, said Strawberry. “Stay away from drugs. They can kill you. I tell them what it did to my life.”

“I am thankful for the platform that I have to reach kids,” he said. “I hope my story helps convince kids to stay far, far away from any kind of drugs. I might not be in the Hall now, but I think I can still do lots of good to help people do the right thing.”

Darryl’s book is really not a baseball book. It’s a book about all of the various hurdles he has had to overcome in his life, not just his sobriety of 18 years. Strawberry is also a two-time cancer survivor and does numerous public service announcements to promote cancer safety.

“I am fortunate that I am healthy now,” said Strawberry. “I just want to get the word out that getting checked is a big part of keeping our body fit.”

Darryl won a championship with the Mets and three more with the Yankees. He has nothing but good wishes for the new Mets owner, Steve Cohen. “I like the fact that Steve grew up a Mets fan and that he knows our history,” said Darryl. “I got a kick out of the fact that he is in possession of the Mookie ball. I hope to get a chance to meet him one day.”

